Dr. Marcus Robinson
Meet Dr. Marcus Robinson, a social innovator, transformative leader, and founder of the Social Innovation Group. With over 20 years of experience and a doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Dr. Marcus is passionate about advancing the quality and efficacy of leadership, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the corporate, government, non-profit, and community. He provides custom-designed coaching, consultation, and transformative programs to create inclusive cultures that drive sustainable high performance. Dr. Marcus is also an accomplished artist, arts administrator, and artist-activist.
333 clients and colleagues endorse our leadership development programs
165 clients and colleagues endorse our organizational development programs
102 clients and colleagues endorse our strategic planning processes
Source: Linkedin.com
Towards a Transformative Leadership Praxis
What Does it Mean to be a Transformative Leader?
In today's society, polarization is the most prevalent word. The people in the middle refuse to engage because they are sick of getting shouted down, yet they make up the. It is time for cooler heads to prevail and for the reclamation of self-respect, which is key to making progress and being an agent for positive change. Let's gather a collective of people who want to harness their power by having discussions that are free of extremism and hyperbole. We welcome your participation.
You are cordially invited to join our Transformative Leaders Cohort.
In this community of practice, you will join a group of leaders, change agents, and activists in bi-weekly workshops on the latest best practices and tools to manifest your intentions at work, at home, and in the community at large. You will also get three 1-hour of coaching sessions from one of America's most talented professional development coaches and transformation experts, Dr. Marcus Robinson, and the Social Innovation Group team.

Social Innovation Group Chicago knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 1989, our founder
Dr. Marcus Robinson set out to create a body of work that can help us transform our individual lives, redefine the meaning of work, create more inclusive and equitable spaces to live our best lives, do our best work, and contribute our signature gifts to the world. We believe that by working together we can overcome our challenges of today.